Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma

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Biopsy examination of tissue.

Ameloblastic Fibroma - General Picture Ameloblastic Fibroma - Epithelial Strands Ameloblastic Fibroma Ameloblastic Fibroma - Bone Epithelium Fibrous

Panoramic X-ray.

Periapical Radiograph

Ameloblastic Fibroma - General Picture Ameloblastic Fibroma - General Picture

This ten-year-old child had a lesion on the right side of the mandible at the angle of the mandible.

The lesion was identified as an ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, a recently defined entity, in which both ameloblastic fibroma and complex odontoma appear to be combined into one lesion. It has many clinical features in common with complex odontoma but differs significantly by having a greater potential for growth and local destruction.

Following biopsy it was removed completely.

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©2001 Dr. Galil